The programming languages deal with two important aspects – data and algorithm. Data is the main substance of the program and the algorithms are the methods that use these programs. OOP is the principle of design and development of programs using the modular approach.

Object oriented programming
                    Object oriented programming (OOP) is a concept that combines both the data and the functions that operate on that data into a single unit called the object. Object is an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behavior. Top-down design is an approach of dividing a problem into sub problems and then dividing the sub problems further into still smaller sub problems until it can be implemented for a computer solution. Bottom up design is vice versa where solutions to smaller modules are integrated to find the solution of overall problem. OOP follows bottom-up design technique.

Object oriented programming (OOPs) Advantages:

 OOPs model the real world entity very well. Inheritance eliminates the redundancy (repetition) of code and hence supports code reusability. Data hiding helps to build secured programs. Multiple instances (objects) can be created. Work can be divided easily. OOPs can be easily upgraded from small to large systems. Complexity can be easily managed. Message passing concept helps the objects to communicate and share data.

Object oriented programming (OOPs) disadvantages:

 OOPs use tricky method to do the programming. Special skills such as thinking in terms of design skills, programming skills and object is required for a programmer. Proper planning and design is required before programming using OOPs technique.
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