Computer hardware | The major componenets in modern computer system.

A computer has various parts and each part performs a specific functions. We can define hardware as the parts of the computer that you can see and touch. That is Keyboard, Mouse, CPU, Monitor, Printer etc. In the previous classes you might have learned about the functions of the hardware like keyboard, mouse, printer and monitor. In this chapter you will learn some common individual Computer hardware components that you will often find inside the system unit of a modern computer.

The major componenets of modern computer are:


The Motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer and is also known as the main board. If you ever open your computer, the biggest piece of silicon you see is the Motherboard. Attached to the Motherboard, you'll find the CPU, RAM expansion slots, PCl slots and USB ports. It also includes controllers for devices like the hard drive, DVD drive, Keyboard and Mouse. Basically, the Motherboard makes everything in your computer work together. Each Motherboard has collection of chips and controllers known as the chipset.

When new motherboards are developed, they often use new chipsets. The good news is that these boards are typically more efficient and faster than their predecessors.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software. A modern CPU is usually small and square with many short, rounded, metallic connectors on its underside. The CPU attaches directly to a CPU socket on the motherboard. The CPU is inserted into the socket pin-side-down and a small lever helps to secure the processor. After running even a short while, modern CPUs can get very hot. To help dissipate this heat, it is necessary to attach a heat sink and a fan directly on top of the CPU.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Random Access Memory RAM) is a computer storage location that allows Information to be stored and accessed quickly from random locations within DRAM Short for Dynamic Random Access Memory, DRAM is one of the most commonly found memory modules in PC compatible personal computers.
RAM is a volatile memory and requires power in order to keep the data accessible, if power is lost all data contained in memory lost. As the computer loads parts of the operating system and drivers are loaded into memory, which allows the CPU to process the instructions much faster and your computer to load faster. After the operating system has loaded, each program you open such as the browser you're using is loaded into memory while it is running.

Power Supply

A power supply is a hardware
Component that supplies power to
an electrical device. It receives powerfrom an electrical outlet tand converts the current from AC to DC, which is what the computer requires. It also regulates the voltage to an adequate amount, which allows the computer to run smoothly without overheating. The power supply an integral part of any computer and must function correctly for the rest of the components to work.

Video Card

A video card is an expansion card whose function is to generate and output images to display.some video cards offer added functions, such as video capture,TV tuner adapter, ability to connect multiple monitors and others.they include a graphics processing unit (GPU) which is a dedicated microprocessor optimized for 3D graphics rendering graphics card.

Hard Disk Device (HDD)

Alternatively referred to as a hard
disk drive and abbreviated as HD
or HDD, the hard disk drive is the
computer's main storage medid device that permanently stores all data on the computer. The hard drive was first introduced on September 13, 1956 and consists of one or more hard drive platters inside of air sealed casing. Most computer hard drives are in an internal drive bay at the front of the computer and connect to the motherboard using ATA, SCSl or a SATA cable and power cable.

Block Diagram of computer system.
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