Components of Computer system

1. Hardware

The physical parts of a computer system called as hardware. The hardware components can be seen, touch and feel. The hardware components are fixed inside or outside the computer system.
Ex: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, RAM, CPU etc.

2. Software

A Set or collection of programs is known as software. The software is a computer program written using some computer programming languages to operate the computer. Software tells the hardware what to do. Unlike hardware, we can’t touch the software.

Software is further classified into two types:

1.System Software

 It is a type of computer program that is designed to control and work with computer hardware, to run a computer's hardware and application programs.
Ex: Microsoft Windows, DOS.

2.Application software

 It is a type of Software written by the user to perform a particular task like drawing a picture, playing computer games,to add numbers, send message etc.


Data is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, audio or video. Data is the raw information or basic facts that computer can process.


People who use the computers are called users. These computer operators are called computer users.

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