
    A set of instructions that tells the computer to perform an intended task.

There are basically two types of Software.

1. System Software
2. Application Software

1.System Software
                           System software is a computer program that controls the system hardware and interacts with application software. System software is hardware dependent and not portable. System software provides a convenient environment for program development and execution.

System software is classified in to three types:

1. Language Translators
2. Operating System
3. Utilities Software

Application Software
                     Application software that has been written to process performs a specific job. Application software is generally written in high level languages. It focus is on the application, not the computing system

Application software is classified into two types

1. Application Specific
2. General Purpose

Application specific software is created to execute an exact task. It has a limited task. For example accounting software for maintaining accounts. General purpose software is not limited to only one function.

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