Conversions of Number System in Computer

Decimal number system to Binary number system conversion

 Step by step procedure to convert decimal number system to binary number system

 Step 1 Divide the given decimal number by 2.
 Step 2 Take the remainder and record it on the right side.
 Step 3 Repeat the Step 1 and Step 2 until the decimal number cannot be divided further.
 Step 4 The first remainder will be the LSB and the last remainder is the MSB. The equivalent binary number is then written from left to right i.e. from MSB to LSB.

Step by step procedure to convert decimal fraction number system to binary number system

 Step 1 Multiply the given decimal fraction number by 2.
 Step 2 Note the carry and the product.
 Step 3 Repeat the Step 1 and Step 2 until the decimal number cannot be divided further.
 Step 4 The first carry will be the MSB and the last carry is the LSB. The equivalent binary fraction number is written from MSB to LSB.

Decimal number system to Octal number system conversion

Step by step procedure to convert decimal number system to octal number system

 Step 1 Divide the given decimal number by 8.
 Step 2 Take the remainder and record it on the side.
 Step 3 Repeat the Step 1 and Step 2 until the decimal number cannot be divided further.
 Step 4 The first remainder will be the LSB and the last remainder is the MSB. The equivalent octal number is then written from left to right i.e. from MSB to LSB.

Step by step procedure to convert octal number system  to decimal number system

 Step 1 Start at the rightmost bit.
 Step 2 Take that bit and multiply by 8n, when n is the current position beginning at 0 and increasing by             1 each time. This represents the power of 8.
 Step 3 Then, add all the products.
 Step 4 After addition, the resultant is equal to the decimal value of the octal number.

 Decimal number system to Hexadecimal number system conversion

Step by step procedure to convert decimal number system to hexadecimal number system

 Step 1 Divide the decimal number by 16.
 Step 2 Take the remainder and record it on the side.
 Step 3 Repeat the Step 1 and Step 2 until the decimal number cannot be divided further.
 Step 4 The first remainder will be the LSB and the last remainder is the MSB. The equivalent                              hexadecimal number is then written from left to right i.e. from MSB to LSB.
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